The members of the Optimists International Club of Arlington, VA, dedicate themselves to community service and to making Arlington a better place for all to live. We believe that in giving of ourselves in service, our community becomes a better place. “The importance of giving back to society can’t be understated and that’s because the secret to living is giving,” according to the Tony Robbins website.
Our mottoes: “Friend of Youth” indicates our main focus and “Bringing out the Best in Kids” our goal. We sponsor academic and sports activities designed to give Arlington’s youth a better chance to succeed in today’s world. Whether it is a scholarship to help students attend college, Babe Ruth Baseball or Arlington Soccer, an essay or oratorical contest, Arlington’s Optimists are there supporting programs that enhance opportunities for boys and girls of all ages.
Each year, our programs directly touch the lives of over 10,000 Arlington youth. We are committed to increasing that number through both the expansion of existing and development of new programs. We want to thank you for visiting our website, and ask that after you see all that we do, you consider joining with us to help make Arlington a better community. Together, we can all be a “Friend of Youth.”
The Arlington Virginia Club was chartered in December 1946.